
These are tender, herbaceous perennials that flower in the winter. From their fleshy roots grow tall, thin stems that bear large, bell-shaped flowers. These plants are native to the Canary Isles. They may be grown in climates such as southern California's.

Pot Cultivation

The greenhouse should have a minimum winter temperature of 45 degrees. The best compost to use consists of equal parts loam, peat and leaf mold, with enough sand added to make it porous. Repotting is done in February and the pots need to have great drainage. The plants are divided and repotted every year. Water is given abundantly from April to August, but much less is needed in the winter.


The plants can be divided into small pieces in the spring or cuttings can be made from young shoots in April.

C. campanulata C. campanula


  • C. campanulata (yellow flowers veined with purplish-brown);
  • C. campanula (orange flowers). 

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